The Perfect Location- Angela Sargenti’s “She’s No Angel”

Angela Sargenti is visiting today to tell us how she picked the location for her brand new spanking romance. 🙂


When I first decided to write “She’s No Angel,” a story about a wealthy young lady who lives by the sea and whose family make all their money from the wine business, I naturally thought of setting the story in Carmel, CA.  If you don’t know about Carmel, it’s a charming little town on the central coast of California, a couple of hours south of San Francisco, near Monterey, CA.  It has everything I needed for my story: beach, ocean, a twisty road where my heroine, Lisa, can crash into the sea with her boyfriend, many charming fairy-tale cottages, and nearby vineyards and wineries.  All in all, the perfect location for my story.  If you’d like to know more, check out my Pinterest boards.  I have one for “She’s No Angel” and one for Carmel itself.  You can find them here: and

cover for she's no angel



“If I tell you something, please promise you won’t get mad.”

In my experience, any time a girl starts a speech like that it’s never good.

“What’s going on?” I asked quietly.

She seemed to come to a hard decision then and faced me, an anxious look in her eyes.

“It’s just…I’ve been thinking a lot about this and…I’m just going to tell you.  I’ve slept with twenty-five other guys before you.”

I fell back in my chair and blinked over at her.



“Well, that’s not so many, in this day and age,” I said, in a bold voice meant to mask my shock.  “It just means you’ve lived a little.”

She smiled hesitantly.

“Really?  Because I’ve decided to do things differently since Brian got killed, and I’ve been thinking about it since you left, and…there’s more.”



The day Dr. David Lethbridge stops to rescue a damsel in distress is the day his life changes forever.  He and Lisa bond right away and sparks fly immediately.  But then she reveals a startling secret to him, and David wonders if it’s worth it to stay with her.

That is, until she proposes a novel solution to their problem–spanking!

Can David take charge and tame the lovely Lisa, or will her dark desires destroy their budding relationship forever?

Buy Links:


Blushing Books

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Amazon author page:



Angela is the author of the zombie blog, After Old Joe. She has penned dozens of erotic and horror stories and has written for such anthologies as BDSM, Sex Toy Stories 2, and The Big Book of Submission: 69 Kinky Tales.  She’s No Angel is her first novel with Blushing Books.  She may be contacted at



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